
Standing on business

I often say the media business is an execution game, and it starts with giving people the right link to the online forum. Apologies if you got registered for the recent subscriptions online forum The Rebooting held with Blueconic. This is the correct link. (If you have problems, please let me know:

The forum features a conversation  with Bloomberg Media chief product officer Julia Beizer and Puck chief strategy officer Max Tcheyan on what’s next for publisher subscription businesses this year, as focus shifts from acquisition (still important) to retention. That’s followed by a view from the top presentation from Blueconic’s Will Barker that shows how publishers are using different tactics to foster loyalty (gifts are in). Check out the hourlong session. We will be doing more of these throughout the year. Thanks to Blueconic for the support.

Watch the online forum

Publishers, this is for you

EX.CO’s new vertical video player for publishers has a first-of-its-kind, interactive, and intuitive UX, inspired by the video experience on social platforms that audiences know and love. It is a fully optimized vertical player, built for the open web - both mobile and desktop consumption. Showing comparable performance to EX.CO’s horizontal player from a monetization perspective, the new vertical player delivers 17% more video engagement than traditional horizontal players, on average and includes familiar swiping gesture controls so users can easily navigate between videos. 

Book a demo


One of the delightful oddities of Japan is you get a receipt for every purchase, no matter small. In the course of a day, you will amass a mountain of them. 

Receipts are handy because they are proof. Yesterday, I was talking to a veteran of B2B events. He remarked that the events at the publication he worked were the one stable area “because we had receipts.”